A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

The goal is to get your riders to their destination in the allotted time. The music changes how your car handles. Customers have a music preference, you need to stay on the station they like or it will have an effect on your driver rating. You need to pick up your phone to change the music and accept your next ride. If a passenger has a low rating you have a higher chance of getting paid in NFTs, Jesus Pamphlets, etc. Each passenger has an archetype that determines their preferences, some will even ask for the Aux cord and sporadically change the stations. You start with $100, you want to keep your driver rating high so you keep your wallet full. Your money will tick down to pay for gas as time goes on. Gas prices rise as time goes on. If you run out of money you lose. 


W - Accelerate

S - Decelerate

A - Turn left

D - Turn right

Space - Brake/Drift

F  - Pull up the phone

  • Used to change music
  • Accept New Rides

Q  - Change cameras (1st and 3rd person)

E - Jump


UberBeatsmacOS.zip 64 MB

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